SLP carries out a new issue of shares of a total of SEK 145 million

Swedish Logistic Property AB (“SLP” or the “Company”) has today, based on the authorisation from the Annual General Meeting held on 29 April 2021, resolved to carry out a new issue of shares of a total of SEK 145 million (the “New Issue”). The New Issue is related to three of SLP’s acquisitions during 2021 and payment for the new shares is made by way of set-off against claims for part of the purchase price that originated in connection with these acquisitions.

The New Issue entails that the Company’s share capital increases with a total of approximately SEK 52,878 through a new issue of a total of 1,586,346 shares of series B meaning that the share capital increases from approximately SEK 966,666 to approximately SEK 1,019,544 and that the number of shares increases from 29,000,000 shares to 30,586,346 shares. The number of votes in SLP increases from 54,200,000 votes to a total of 55,786,346 votes. The subscription price in the New Issue has been set to SEK 91.405 per newly issued share, corresponding to the net asset value per share in SLP per 31 December 2021. The subscription price is based on an agreement in the transfer agreement for each respective acquisition.

In total, the New Issue entails a dilution effect of approximately 5.19 percent of the number of shares in the Company and approximately 2.84 percent of the number of votes in the Company.

The claims which are set-off against the newly issued shares
Payment for 109,403 shares of series B has been made by way of set-off against a claim amounting to SEK 10 million that originated from the Company’s acquisition of a logistics facility at Långeberga in Helsingborg. The acquisition was carried out through a company transaction and was communicated through a press release on 29 June 2021.

Payment for 1,203,435 shares of series B has been made by way of set-off against a claim amounting to SEK 110 million that arose from the Company’s acquisition of a property portfolio consisting of a total of eleven logistics properties located in Stockholm, Mälardalen and Norrköping. The acquisition was carried out through a company transaction and was communicated through a press release on 15 November 2021.

Payment for 273,508 shares of series B has been made by way of set-off against a claim amounting to SEK 25 million that originated from the Company’s acquisition of a logistics property in Stigamo in Jönköping. The acquisition was carried out through a company transaction and was communicated through a press release on 7 December 2021.

This information is such that Swedish Logistic Property AB is obliged to disclose in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted, through the care of the contact person below, for publication on 7 February 2022 at 5:30 p.m. CET.

For further information, please contact:
Peter Strand, CEO of SLP, telephone: +46 705 881 66

About SLP – Swedish Logistic Property

SLP – Swedish Logistic Property – is a Swedish real estate company with a focus on logistics properties. Since its inception, the company has maintained a high pace and in a short time has completed several high-profile acquisitions. SLP has a high ambition regarding sustainability and works responsibly from an environmental perspective. The company’s property portfolio comprises a lettable area of approximately 630,000 square meters.