The Board consists of six members with extensive experience of the property sector. The Board has established an audit committee consisting of all Board members and a remuneration committee consisting of two members: Erik Selin (Chairman) and Greg Dingizian.

Erik Selin
- Born: 1967.
- Elected to the Board: 2020. Chair of audit committee and remuneration committee
- Other assignments: Member of the Board and CEO of Fastighets AB Balder. Chairman of Norion Bank AB, K-Fast Holding AB and Brinova Fastigheter AB. Member of the Board of Hexatronic Group AB, Hedin Mobility Group AB and Neudi & Co AB.
- Education: Business school economist
- Other experience: Co-founder of SLP. Over 25 years’ experience of the property sector, including founding and building companies such as Fastighets AB Balder and Erik Selin Fastigheter AB. Recently mainly active as CEO of Fastighets AB Balder and shareholder and board member of Norion Bank AB, K-Fast Holding AB and Hexatronic Group AB.
- Shareholding in SLP: 14,551,535 shares of series A and 16,242,780 shares of series B, through the company Skandrenting AB.
Independent in relation to the company and its management, but not in relation to major shareholders.

Peter Strand
- Born: 1971.
- Appointed to the Board: 2023. Member of the audit committee.
- Other assignments: Head of transactions at SLP, member of the Board of Diös Fastigheter AB, Doxa AB, BrainLit AB, Rikshem AB, Fridam AB, Fridam Fastigheter AB, Fridam Invest AB.
- Education: MSc. in Engineering, courses in Business Administration and Law, LTH and Lund University.
- Other experiende: Co-founder of SLP. CEO of property companies Victoria Park AB, Annehem Fastigheter AB and Tribona AB, as well as senior positions in property companies Drott and Akelius.
- Shareholding in SLP: 12,281,125 shares of series A and 14,687,885 shares of series B through Fridam Fastigheter AB.
Dependent in relation to the company and its management and in relation to major shareholders.

Greg Dingizian
- Born: 1960.
- Appointed to the Board: 2018. Member of the audit committee and renumeration committee.
- Other assignments: Chairman and owner of Agartha AB. Chairman of Serneke Group AB and Member of the Board of Doxa AB.
- Education: Economics and Business Administration, Lund University.
- Other experience: Co-founder of SLP. Greg Dingizian has over 35 years of experience of the property sector, including as founder and former CEO of Victoria Park and CEO of HSB Malmö as well as founder of Agartha AB. Greg Dingizian has also previously been CEO of GOTIC AB and Wilh. Sonesson AB (now Midsona AB) and a board member of several listed and unlisted companies.
- Shareholding in SLP: 400,000 shares of series B.
Independent from the company and its management as well as from major shareholders.

Sofia Ljungdahl
- Born: 1969.
- Elected to the Board: 2020. Member of the audit committee.
- Other assignments: CEO of OBOS Nya Hem AB. Member of the Board of OBOS Nye Hjem AS.
- Education: MSc. in Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology.
- Other experience: Previous roles include member of the board of Victoria Park and Regional Manager of Besqab. Sofia has also held senior positions with Rikshem, Peab and JM.
- Shareholding in SLP: 65,000 shares of series B.
Independent from the company and its management as well as from major shareholders.

Unni Sollbe
- Born: 1965.
- Elected to the Board: 2020. Member of the audit committee.
- Other assignments: CEO of Stena Fastigheter Malmö and Stena Fastigheter Syd AB. Chairwoman and director of Dagmar Dental AB. Director of Fastighetsägarna Syd AB and Landskrona Stadsutveckling AB.
- Education: Business Administration and Economics, International Business Program, Lund University.
- Other experience: More than 20 years’ experience of the property sector, including as CEO of Akademiska Hus Syd AB and senior positions in MKB Fastighets AB and HSB Malmö. Previously ten years with the ABB Group as Controller.
- Shareholding in SLP: 100,000 shares of series B.
Independent from the company and its management as well as from major shareholders.

Jacob Karlsson
- Born: 1986.
- Elected to the Board: 2020. Member of the audit committee.
- Other assignments: Member of the Board and CEO of K-Fast Holding AB. Chairman and member of the boards of Prefabfastigheter Finja Sverige AB and Paco Padel Court AB. CEO and director of Ramsdalen 3:1 Fastighets AB. Member of the boards of Doxa AB, Mjöbäcks Entreprenad Aktiebolag, Jacob Karlsson AB, Jacob Karlsson Fastigheter AB, Novum Samhällsfastigheter AB, HOMEstate AB, Skåneflyg AB, DACAR Fastigheter AB and SOT Fastigheter Osby AB.
- Education: Courses with financial orientation at Kristianstad University, Linnaeus University and Lund University
- Other experience: Founder, CEO and partner of K-Fast Holding AB (K-Fastigheter).
- Shareholding in SLP: 296,855 shares of series B.
Independent from the company and its management as well as from major shareholders.